Photographic darkroom

Just as the cinema did not oust the theatre so digital photography did not displaced the traditional one. Although it is more difficult to get the reagents, materials or specialized equipment. Traditional photography is a nod towards the true artistry, romanticism of the heart and soul of photography. There is nothing more magical than emerging picture of the white paper. So how to prepare functional photographic darkroom?

The place

First, you must carefully choose the place. Room should be fully light proof. There must be an access to running water, electricity and ventilation. Very often photographic darkroom is organized in the bathroom . If there are windows, they must be covered. The simplest darkroom can be created in a very small room.

The place

  • enlarger (device to cast a negative of the image on the paper; it is better to buy second-hand one)
  • Cuvets (3 rectangular containers for chemical substances, the optimal size: 26 * 32; they should be set right next to the sink)
  • tongs (to move paper from one cuvet to another; need 3 pieces)
  • safelight lamp (red lamp, which do not overexpose the paper, you can buy it in a shop with photographic equipment or in an ordinary one-25 W)
  • developing box (a light proof container, in which films are developed, it consists of a plastic core and a few revolving spools)
  • containers, funnel, measuring cup, measuring cylinders (used to store chemicals, handling and dispensing prepared solutions; they should be signed and kept away from children and light) 
  • thermometer (to measure the temperature of water and the developer)
  • chemical reagents
  • enlarging frame (used to hold the paper in its original position, it can be bought in commission-houses)
  • zooming clock (to measure the exposure time of the paper)
  • paper dryer (for drying the paper of the cardboard base only)

Developing photos at home is a real treat for fans of analog images. For very little money you can create your own world.